What's the Best Thing to Eat with a Hookah?

What's the Best Thing to Eat with a Hookah

Even though hookah itself is an exquisite dish, a pleasant addition to a refined conversation, to consume it on an empty stomach is categorically wrong - it is fraught only with a dry mouth and a headache. In any restaurant that knows the principles and nuances of hookah smoking it is never without sweets, fruit and other dishes - obligatory attribute of classic hookah ceremonies.



Hookah is an oriental invention, so the delicacies are appropriate: Turkish delight, baklava, churchella, halva. Not all establishments have a rich selection of oriental cuisine, so as an alternative: cakes, fruit desserts, jellies, sweet pies and pastries.

Chocolate doesn't always suit the fruit flavors of hookahs, but it goes well with coffee flavors.



The best appetizer! Vegetables too, but that's up to the individual. Berries and fruits are refreshing, do not overfill the stomach, saturate with nutrients, quench thirst. Capital stuffed with them will not work, but we need it.

Fruit sets are the best for smoking hookahs. You can put on the table the usual oranges, mandarins, bananas, apples, but also something more exotic, or rather more familiar to this Eastern tradition. Pomegranate, strawberries, cherries will only beautify your evening and give you an unforgettable experience. If you're looking for a special flavor, why not try melon and use tobacco with a similar flavor in the bowl? Dare, there is almost no horizon for experimentation.



In this case, there are no contraindications - it all depends on personal preferences. Do you like nuts, crackers and chips? Please, no one can forbid you. In addition, some manufacturers of hookah tobacco release flavors of cheese, gazpacho, bacon - with them salty snacks will not be superfluous.

What About Fast Food?

What About Fast Food

Are you saying it's definitely redundant? It seems to be. How can you smoke the ancient and glorious hookah along with the symbol of modern consumption - hamburgers and fries? However, there are quite a few hookah smoking fans who support this snack format. They also once were skeptics, but once tried a hot cheeseburger with hookah smoke, then could not imagine the evening without it. The main thing, as usual, not to overdo it.

On the table at the hookah gourmet can not just see: and whipped cream and different kinds of cheeses, feta cheese and parmesan. Some enjoy crunching chips or even popcorn. We won't limit you in this case, but warn you that you shouldn't overdo it with food while smoking hookah. This is especially true for a copious amount of spicy or greasy food. You can have a hearty meal later in a different environment. The main purpose of smoking the bowl should be a leisurely smoking and a pleasant conversation.

In Conclude

In Conclude

The more natural and dietary your snack is, the better.

  • The best food for hookah: soft sweets (halva, cakes and pies, pastries), fresh fruit or vegetables.
  • Worst food: too dense and fatty food (fast food).

We hope that our tips will help you have a great time in the company of a smoky hookah Dubai! Share the article with your friends, let them know how to do it right too.